The Path of the Saints it is an itinerary in Lovere that narrates the very special life experience of Bartolomea and Vincenza, two women of Lovere who knew how to live a radical and all-encompassing choice of love, the fruits of which are still present and visible all over the world today.
Sand Art video that tells the life of the saints. Illustrations: Nadia Ischia, Voice actor: Laura Lotti
Click here for the video in English.
From Lovere to the world

The path winds through the streets and stairways of the ancient village, precisely those that the two Saints travelled every time from Conventino, the first headquarters of the Institute which gathered the first young people of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity, whose purpose was "works of mercy". They went to the homes of the sick, orphans, the poor, those in need of physical and spiritual assistance.

It is suggested to start from Thirteen Martyrs, from where you enter via Cavallotti; at number 10 there is the birthplace of St. Caterina Gerosa who after the vows will be called Vincenza. Her family was involved in leather trading and had good economic resources which she did not hesitate to allocate to works of solidarity and sharing with the needy in the town. A marble plaque placed above the sandstone portal commemorates this place.
Birthplace of Vincenza Gerosa
Through a staircase you cross through what in the past was a steep pavement called "Rizzo dei Santi” (term indicating steep) and you enter the ancient village. You take the left via Gramsci and you are immediately surrounded by a medieval environment made up of alleys, towers, ancient stairs that have preserved an atmosphere of other times. At number 27 you will find the birthplace of St. Bartolomea Capitanio, also highlighted by a marble plaque; one can almost perceive the closeness, even physical, and the close contacts that the two Saints have always maintained and how many times, accompanying each other while returning from their missions, they would have greeted each other at the door of the house.

Birthplace of Bartolomea Capitanio

Going up a few meters further, on the right, you come across a staircase which has preserved its original medieval structure: the porch of St. George, one of the many routes that allowed the people of Lovere to move quickly from the upper part of the town to the lakeside, or back up, since the town of Lovere was distributed on different levels, then as now. This is a passage that the two Saints took every time they went to Holy Mass in the nearby Church of St. George, the same one in which, on the morning of 21 November 1832, they attended the Holy Mass celebrated at the altar dedicated to the Our Lady of Sorrows which resembles the fourteenth-century image of the Pietà, before taking their Vows at the Conventino. At the same altar are the Relics of the two Saints, which every year, on May 18th, are carried in solemn procession through the streets of the town.
Church of St. George where the saints of Lovere were baptized
At the exit of the Church, in front of the portal, take via S. Giorgio and after a short downhill stretch you come across an aedicule with an elegant one marble fountain.
According to the oral tradition, this is the "Place of Obedience" where Gerosa, heartbroken by Bartolomea's death, was urged by the priests of Lovere to continue the work recently begun. In the two niches of the aedicule, two artistic depictions of the Saints according to their personal apostolic attitudes, have been placed, commissioned by the Parish of Lovere, made by master Aurelio Bertoni of Lovere.

Place of Obedience

Continuing in via Bertolotti, before the bottleneck, turn left and follow the characteristic via Mazzini to find yourself in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II (Old Square).
We are in the center of the ancient village, where the narrow medieval streets branch off and where you can admire the fourteenth-century Civic tower and the Palazzo del Podestà. The Tower is equipped with an easy and safe staircase that leads up to the belfry from which you can enjoy a splendid view of the entire town and the lake with the surrounding mountains.

Civic Tower and the Palazzo del Podestà
After leaving the square, you take via Matteotti, also paved with the characteristic granite blocks that endured the continuous passage of carts loaded with chalk coming from the nearby quarry; after a short distance you come across the "Place of the Mission" located above the fountain known as the "two cannons" from the name of the nearby tavern, which has now disappeared. This is the place where we want to remember the early missionary vocation of the Institute. In fact, the departure from Lovere of five sisters for India dates back to 1860. Above the fountain there is a pictorial representation, titled “Hallelujah”, work of artists Alfred Khedi and Cristina Mora that represents the "explosive" force of love for the neighbour which from the Shrine, depicted small and far away, has reached 4 continents. On the borders, there is a passage from the letter of Don Angelo Bosio, spiritual director of the Saints, who greets the departing sisters.

Place of the mission
Turning at the corner to the right and leaving behind the imposing Alghisi Tower, you go up for via S. Capitanio.
Already from afar, on a border wall of the Institute, the bright colours of the painting “Amen”, work of the same artists Khedi and Mora. It is the "Place of the Crucifix" which wants to remember the great faith that the two Saints were able to draw from the example of Jesus.

Place of the Crucifix
We are now near the Shrine, whose elegant and slender line can be glimpsed against the background of via S. Gerosa, following which you find yourself in the space in front of the Church, recently titled “Lovere Saint Street” from which a splendid view of the lake opens up.

This is the "Place of Charity". The porphyry background shows in a rosette the word Caritas from which rays branch out, inlaid with the names of the 19 countries in which the Institute's missions are located.
All that remains is to enter the Shrine and let yourself be fascinated by the paintings, mosaics, stained-glass windows, columns and marble capitals that surround the urns of St. Bartolomea and St. Vincenza, lived two centuries ago, but always alive thanks to their great love for the neighbour.

Place of Charity

Virtual tour of Lovere
Alta Via delle Grazie path
Tourist map of Lovere